
Pathways to wheat self-sufficiency in Africa

A growing urban population and dietary changes increased wheat import bills in Africa to 9% per year. Though wheat production in the continent has been increasing over the past decades, to varying degrees depending on regions, this has not been …

Genetic Variation of Zinc and Iron Concentration in Normal, Provitamin A and Quality Protein Maize under Stress and Non-Stress Conditions

The negative impacts of zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) deficiency due to over-reliance on monotonous cereal-based diets are well-documented. Increasing micronutrient densities in maize is currently among top breeders' priorities. Here, 77 single-cross …

Near- to long-term measures to stabilize global wheat supplies and food security

The Ukraine-Russia war will impact global food security over months if not years. In the wake of COVID-19 and in the face of increasing climate change, we propose responses to a multi-layered global food crisis that mitigate near-term food security …

Diversity and diversification. Ecosystem services derived from underutilized crops and their co-benefits for sustainable agricultural landscapes and resilient food systems in Africa

There are growing calls to adopt more sustainable forms of agriculture that balance the need to increase production with environmental, human health, and wellbeing concerns. Part of this conversation has included a debate on promoting and …

Exploring the agricultural landscape diversity-food security nexus; an analysis in two contrasted parklands of Central Senegal

CONTEXT. Fostering diversity within agricultural systems can substantially contribute to improved food security among smallholder farmers. Agroforestry parklands are diverse agricultural landscapes where trees can provide an array of ecosystem …

Spatial farming systems diversity and micronutrient intakes of rural children in Ethiopia

Own production contributes much of the food supply in smallholder production systems in low- and middle-income countries like Ethiopia. Understanding the potential as well as constraints of these production systems in terms of nutrient supplies is …

Conceptual links between landscape diversity and diet diversity: A roadmap for transdisciplinary research

Malnutrition linked to poor quality diets affects at least 2 billion people. Forests, as well as agricultural systems linked to trees, are key sources of dietary diversity in rural settings. In the present article, we develop conceptual links between …

Forest pattern, not just amount, influences dietary quality in five African countries

Testing the various pathways linking forest cover to dietary diversity in tropical landscapes

A diverse diet is important to address micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of malnutrition, one of the greatest challenges of today's food systems. In tropical countries, several studies have found a positive association between forest cover …

Soil organic matter underlies crop nutritional quality and productivity in smallholder agriculture

Global crop yield gains have not be associated with increases in the many macro- and micro-nutrients needed for a balanced human diet. There is thus growing interest in improving agricultural practices to increase nutrient availability to people. …